Even though our office may be closed, WOOF WOODS DOG PARK will be open for our guests to enjoy.
Author: keyloreadmin
Check out our new Store
Check out our new Key-Lore Store.
[button link=”http://www.petrest.com/keylore-store/” bg_color=”#f08800″ window=”yes”]Go to Store[/button]
View our selection of Caskets and Urns
Please contact our office (810) 659-5951 to purchase items that are listed below. Thank you.
Pet Urns
Pet Rest offers a complete line of urns, including Kaplan Pewter Urns, Sawmill Oak Urns, Custom Hand Painted Urns.
View Our Most Popular Urns
Pet Caskets
(Click image to view)
Garden Memorials
(Click image to view)
Cremains & Memorial Jewelry
(Click image to view)
View Our Full Catalog of Products
Holiday of Hope
Join us on December 3rd for the Humane Society of Genesee County’s Holiday of Hope this is such a great event for those looking to add a new furry friend to their family. Information about this information is below:
Holiday of Hope
Saturday, December 3, 2016 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
– Adoption specials
– Vendors
– Pictures with Santa for $5
– Cookie sale
– Raffle with great prizes!
Contact Information:
10th Annual Tricks for Treats 2016
Key-Lore Woof Woods Dog Park & The Humane Society of Genesee County
The 10th Annual Tricks for Treats
Saturday, October 15th 2016 12:30 pm – 3:00 pm
- Most creative
- Best owner/pet look-alike
- Best theme

Pet Obesity and Arthritis
Dr. Brian Beale, a veterinary surgeon and canine arthritis expert at Houston’s Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists, says that obese dogs can develop arthritis sooner than lean dogs. An estimated 15 million U.S. dogs are considered overweight, and they comprise the largest group of dogs at risk for canine arthritis. And, although genetic predisposition and hormonal disorders can also cause obesity, overfeeding is still the major culprit.
Excessive weight restricts joint movement, decreases mobility and can cause other physical problems. Those associated problems only add to the difficulties posed by the arthritic condition. Excess weight also damages the cartilage matrix itself, and also alters normal cell structures in joint tissue itself.
Signs of arthritis are subtle and easily overlooked or misinterpreted. Symptoms of pain may include limping, difficulty moving, walking, running, climbing or jumping, and sensitivity to physical contact. If you see these signs, take your pet to a veterinarian where a proper diagnosis can be made. Treatment options may include diet, exercise and pain control medication.
“Pet Obesity and Arthritis.” Chances Spot. N.p., 22 July 2016. Web. 24 Aug. 2016. <http://chancesspot.org/blog/?p=161>.
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Welcome our new Groomer
I just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Brooke and I’m the new pet stylist here at Key-Lore. I have 15 years’ experience working as a dog obedience instructor and 5 years experience as a pet stylist. I have 10 Collies, 2 Huskies, a German Shepherd and a cat named Blu. We have shown and Championed several of our Collies and our German Shepherd is now retired from Schutzhund.
I would like to invite you to visit me here at Key-Lore for all your dog grooming needs.
To take advantage of this special, please call the office to set up an appointment, (810) 659-5951. Hope to hear from you,
Key-Lore Kustom Klips

2016 Bully Olympics hosted by Key-Lore Woof Woods Dog Park
August 14th, 2016 Key-Lore Woof Woods Dog Park will be hosting “Bully Olympics” (a Bull Terrier Club of Metro Detroit event)
For more information follow the link below:
Genesee County 4-H Dog Club Meet in 2016
The Genesee County 4-H Dog Club will be meeting every Thursday night from 5:30pm-7:30pm here at the Woof Woods Dog Park.
Key-Lore Woof Woods Dog Park
7185 Gillette Rd. Flushing, MI 48433
An excellent companion DVD to follow up our Basic Obedience 101 DVD, is our FAQ TIPS DVD (Frequently Asked Questions). In this DVD we answer many questions that our clients have asked us in our Kennel. Owner and Licensed Trainer Sharon discusses these questions and relays easy step instructions to aid you in making your pet a loving companion.
$15.00 +S/H
Obedience 101 DVD
An excellent video from Key-lore and its owner and licensed trainer Sharon Keillor. Covers the use of food in obedience training: teaching attention, conditioning activity in the dog, heeling, the halt, and sit and down in motion. Basic Obedience stresses importance of pattern training to create anticipation for commands for reliable, immediate performance from your loving canine companion.